Sorry it has taken me so long to even know I was tagged. Things have been crazy here. We are getting ready to visit family on tuesday.
Anyway I didn't even know I was taged until Jared called this morning to tell me that he might get to go up in his bosses airplane with him. Which is cool and scary at the same time, becasue what kind of plane do you here about crashing. All the privite planes. But he was super excited so I am excited for him. Then he told me he was looking at Justin and Stacy's blog and that I had been taged for something. So I got my lazy butt out of bed to see what he was talking about and well here we are.
Here is what it is all about:
You have to take pictures of your toilet, sink, laundry room, fridge, closet, favorite shoes, favorite room, and your kids. And you can not cheat, just get up and begin taking pictures. It was so hard not to want to cheat. Plus my list is backwards.
The kids and Emily. We had a movie night so she spent the night. So the kids are all over her. They love their Aunt!
I love my bed room. Though I think I want a change in it. But I love the way it is set up. I don't spend much time in it, but i like it a lot.
These are my second fav. My fav seems to be missing in action. Which means Benntte took off with them and know I am on the hunt to find them.
It isn't nomally this messy,(though I amd sure jared is reading this and saying "yeah right") but for some reason Jared like to throw my clothes on top of the hangers instead of hanging them up. Which I hate, what I hate even more is when he does hang them up he will hang them up inside out. I don't know why but it just bugs the crap out of me.
Also what usually happens when I open the frige. Bennett is alway right there to climb in it. Everytime it is like some sixth sense. "mom is about to open the
What usually happens is the dryer is full of balls, Bennett loves to play with all the balls in the basement. Which I have a pic of that will be posted later.
It was clean but all the cleaning things are still out.
Thank goodness the lid is closed, I am cleaning that today.
I am tagging:
Ashlee V
Lynsie Smith
Lindsy Sullenger
Amy Bunker
kristi D
Christy Gaskin (if you can)
Have fun girls!! Love ya!
i love the color's in your bedroom, so romantic:)
Hi! I love the picture of the little one in the fridge. I have one of Tosha's little guy, Braxton, looking for something to eat in the fridge. He is only 9 mos but looks two! I'm so proud of you! What a great mom you are and I can tell you are loving it!
For the record I really did go around and take pictures with every intention of actually doing this - but then I was like NO WAY :-) I'm going for the lived in look in my house so you'll just have to come see it for yourself :) haha
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